How to prevent a broken key from happening

Life is full of surprises. So, sometimes unplanned things can happen to us. For example, Imagine arriving at your house after a long day at work and all you want to do is rest. But suddenly you can’t manage to open your house. It could be because the key won’t enter the lock properly, or because it got stuck in the lock you can’t get it out. It can even lead to a broken key situation.

We know this is a very frustrating situation, because you insert the key and try to unlock the door like always. But this time, the key got broken in half and a part of it is still inside the lock. Don’t worry ! We at Locksmith Sydney are here to help you 24/7!. We can even make you new keys so you could enter your house.

what should you do in case of a broken key situation?

In case you’re facing a broken key situation, the first thing you should do is to contact a professional locksmith service for help. We know that today there are many DIY videos where you can learn how to get the key out yourself . However, it can cause serious damage to the lock.

Therefore, we at Locksmith Near Me in Sydney is here to help at all times! We are available 24/7 and ready to take your call anytime. We have many locksmiths so we can be in your location within ONLY 20 minutes. Our professional technician can come over and fix your lock problem on the spot!

In addition, there are a few things you can do in order to prevent this situation from happening.

We put together a small list of our tips on how to avoid a broken key:

  1. Be more gentle when you use your keys. you can minimize the chances of a broken key situation by simply using less strength on the key and lock. Moreover, keep your lock lubricated by using a standard and easy to find spray (WD40 for example). By doing so, the key will go in more smoothly and you won’t need to use force to open the lock.
  2. Use your key only for the original purpose- to open the door: Using your keys for any action that isn’t locking and unlocking the door (for instance, open a can), will eventually cause serious damage to the key and wicker it.
  3. Never force the key to enter. If the key is not entering properly, there must be a reason. In cases like this, we highly suggest you take the key out and order a professional locksmith to come and examine your lock. You should double-check yourself before trying to force the key to enter. Maybe you’re using the wrong key, or inserting it wrong.
  4. Get your key replaced every couple of years. As a result of being made from a soft metal, the key has shorter durability than what most people will think. So, in order to keep your keys in their best shape, you should change them once in a while. Furthermore, if you notice that the key is starting to bend, have some damage on it, or if it’s starting to crack, replace them immediately. By that, you are making sure that the key won’t get stuck inside!

To sum up,

We at Locksmith Sydney highly recommend you to take those tips above seriously.

That way you could prevent your key from getting broken!

Struggling with your key? Need a professional locksmith service?

Please feel free to contact us at (02) 8417 2197- we are available 24 Hour a day!

broken key