How to keep your home safe while you’re away – Security tips

It’s that time of the year and you’re on your way to vacation? Already packed and ready to go?? Great! But, before you leave, did you check your security? Is your home is secure?

Most people believe that simply locking up the property is enough to keep it safe.  Moreover, did you know that most breaking in incidents happens during summer vacation? In fact, summer time has the highest rates of break in’s and burglary cases.

However, don’t worry! There’re some actions you can take to assure your home remain safe and secure while you’re away. We, at Locksmith Sydney, wrote down some security tips to help you do just that.

Security tips

Our Security tips on keeping your home safe while you’re away:

Check your security:

Before you leave, make sure all locks works properly. So, in case that one of them isn’t working, you can have it repaired. In addition, consider installing a security system before you leave. It’ll keep your property safe more than any other thing you can do. Also, you can monitor your property while you’re away. Furthermore, in case of a break in, some systems can contact the police right away and help decreasing the damage to the property

Ask for help:

Before you leave, ask someone you trust to visit your property while you’re away. Making it seems like the property is occupied can play a big role in keeping it safe. Moreover, ask them to collect the mail, empty your bins, etc. The more it’ll seem like the property is occupied, the chances of having a break in decreases. Also, ask them to visit the property more than once, depending the time you’ll be away.

Clear your yard:

Make sure your yard is clean and tidy before you leave. Moreover, lock up any objects that are usually laying around (bicycle, toys, working tools, etc.). If you have a gate, Make sure it’s working properly. The more you secure your home, the bigger the odds you won’t have a burglary.

Leave a light on

Leave a light on that’s visible from the outside to make it look like there’s someone in the house. If the house remains dark through all the time you’ll be gone, it might draw the burglars in.

So, the bottom line is, the more security means you’ll take, it’s less possible you’ll have a break in. However, we at Locksmith Sydney takes no responsibility on any break in incidents or attempt.

Please remember that Locksmith Sydney is here to help at all time! We provide 24/7 professional locksmith service to help you face a break in. We can change your lock on sight, repair it, and rekey it and more!

Furthermore, if you have any questions or wants to use our service, Contact us! We’re here for you.